Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Proverbe 18:9 in diferite traduceri, poate prindem ideea:

Cornilescu: Cine se leneveşte în lucrul lui este frate cu cel ce nimiceşte.
Ortodoxa: Omul lăsător pentru lucrul lui e frate cu cel care dărâmă.
KJV:  He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster.
American Standard Version: He also that is slack in his work Is brother to him that is a destroyer.
Contemporary English Version: Being lazy is no different from being a troublemaker.


    Biblia Fidela
    Click here to view the .pdf file for the Fidela Romanian Bible
    Dați un click aici pentru a vedea Biblia Fidela în format .pdf.
    Dați un click aici pentru ”Power Point” despre probleme cu Cornilescu
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    Bibles Commentaries Dictionaries Graphics Extras Devotions STEP
    You need this to get started. This basic installation includes the King James Version, King James Version w/ Strong's numbers, and Strong's dictionary. You will want to download additional resources (see links above) for maximum potential and enjoyment.

    All files are compressed and will self-extract. After you download them they must be "run" to complete their installation. Install all resources into the e-Sword program directory. Minimal system requirements include:

    Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7
    Pentium based PC (or equivalent)
    Best viewed in 800 x 600 resolution or greater
    Version 9.x uses a completely different database format for all resources. All add-on modules have been updated and will need to be reinstalled to use with this update.
    Do not proceed with this update unless you are prepared to also update the various add-on modules, such as Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, etc.

    If you have previously updated to version 9.0, then it is not necessary to redownload these modules again.

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